juillet - août 2010
In terms of sheer verve, Maestro Lacombe’s interpretation of Don Juan surpasses every other live performance I’ve ever heard. The youth orchestra examined all the orchestral elements of Richard Strauss’ celebrated oeuvre. Its familiar opening percussive stream had me wanting to crash my imaginary cymbals.
John Jane, Review Vancouver
8 août 2010National Youth Orchestra : brillant retour de Jacques Lacombe
C’est une autre bonne année pour le National Youth Orchestra of Canada, si j’en juge par son concert d’hier soir à la Basilique Notre-Dame.
Claude Gingras, La Presse
30 juillet 2010Youth and talent - what a winning combination! The National Youth Orchestra of Canada brought tremendous vitality to the opening concert of its 2010 season which began here in London. It is a joy to witness the exuberance and the commitment of highly motivated young people who are all no doubt capable of making careers in music if they have the desire and the opportunity. The entire performance produced a stunning jolt of excitement with the combination of excellent playing and thrilling repertoire.
Renée Silberman, The Beat